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Customize integration with Container Registry
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Customize integration with Container Registry

To deploy a Docker image from the Container Registry in a Managed Kubernetes cluster, configure integration between these objects in the control panel.

During integration, an authorization token in Container Registry is automatically created and passed to the selected Managed Kubernetes cluster — authentication data is automatically added to the default service account and secret to all cluster namespaces.

You can use secrets that have been automatically generated in other service accounts. Read more in the Configure Service Accounts for Pods Kubernetes documentation article.

If necessary, you can disable integration of Container Registry and Managed Kubernetes.

Customize integration

You can configure integration from a Managed Kubernetes cluster with one or more Container Registries.

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformKubernetes.

  2. Open the cluster page → Settings tab.

  3. In the Integration with Container Registry box, click Customize Integration.

  4. Select the registries to be accessed from the cluster.

  5. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, click Integrate.

  6. If you are changing the integration settings, click Save.

    Information about Container Registry registries accessed from the cluster is displayed on the Cluster page → Settings tabIntegration with Container Registry block.

Disable integration

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformKubernetes.
  2. Open the cluster page → Settings tab.
  3. In the Integration with Container Registry box, click Customize Integration.
  4. To remove all Managed Kubernetes clusters that have been granted access to the selected registry, click .
  5. Press Save